Why Restarting Your Computer Helps

Why Restarting Your Computer Helps

We’ve all been there before. Your computer starts slowing down or freezing up, and you’re forced to throw your hands up in frustration, call tech support, or, perhaps, restart your machine? Opting for tech support often results in you waiting on hold for what feels...

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What are Cookies and Why do They Matter?

What are Cookies and Why do They Matter?

Bring up the word “cookies” and most people’s minds drift to grandma’s famous chocolate chip recipe right out of the oven. But in the context of the internet, browsers and computers, “cookies” take on a whole different meaning altogether. Cookie, as you’ll come to...

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Why Reviews are Important for Your Business

Why Reviews are Important for Your Business

Despite all of the advancements in marketing strategies, word of mouth is still one of the most powerful tools for getting the word out about your business and closing more deals. With the rise of social media networks and digital business channels at our disposal,...

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Warnings about Logging into Public Wi-fi

Warnings about Logging into Public Wi-fi

Today, we’ve become addicted to Internet access at all times of the day or night. If you walk into any restaurant, bar, coffee shop or shopping mall, you’ll see dozens of people attached to their electronic devices. It has become so common place that when we go...

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How to Filter What Your Kids See Online

How to Filter What Your Kids See Online

Think of the Internet as the actual physical world outside. You wouldn’t let your young children run around without supervision outside of your home or your street. For parents with teens, the supervision may loosen, but you still won’t allow them to visit bars or the...

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Small Business Website Metrics You Need

Small Business Website Metrics You Need

RadiusBridge Explores The Top 5 Metrics You Should Be Tracking For Your Small Business For small and big businesses, it is important to keep track of some website metrics from day one using preferred business reporting software. The reports generated by the software...

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Informational Tech And Your Business

Informational Tech And Your Business

How Important Is Information Technology Management And Why Does Your Business Need It? IT management or information technology simply refers to the process of making your technology work for you better. In essence, IT management allows you make the best of your...

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Is Your Phone/Amazon Echo/Google Assistant Listening To You?

Is Your Phone/Amazon Echo/Google Assistant Listening To You?

Ever since George Orwell’s classic assertion that “Big Brother is watching you,” people have been paranoid about the government listening in on our private conversations. In his book 1984, the spying devices were television screens in the home. But has that technology...

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Securing Baby Monitor Cameras and Webcams from Hackers

Securing Baby Monitor Cameras and Webcams from Hackers

  For parents, it’s the stuff of nightmares—installing a baby monitor camera in your nursery to protect your child only to find out it has been compromised by a hacker who is now able to see your sleeping infant. When these devices started to become common place,...

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AI’s Role in Cybersecurity: The Role Humans Will Play

AI’s Role in Cybersecurity: The Role Humans Will Play

    Twenty years ago, the idea of a car that drove itself would be considered in the realm of science fiction, right up there with time-traveling DeLoreans from Back to the Future. But now, self-driving cars are looking to change the way we drive, becoming...

How to Stop Apps from Tracking You

How to Stop Apps from Tracking You

In his classic novel 1984, George Orwell famously coined the phrase “Big Brother is watching you.” Little did he know that in the 70 years since the book’s publication, that has almost literally become true. In Orwell’s sci-fi novel, people were monitored by TVs in...

Do You Know How Much It Costs to Hack Someone?

Do You Know How Much It Costs to Hack Someone?

We’ve known for years that a data breach or hack can cost a business everywhere from thousands to tens of millions of dollars. For example, the infamous hack of Target and its credit card users cost $191 million. Thankfully for the company, they had insurance which...

Think Your Information is Safe? Think Again

Think Your Information is Safe? Think Again

  Every time you get on social media and share a photo or search for some random question on a search engine, your information is being stored. It is saved, sorted and circulated so your information is then being shared with lots of unexpected places that you are...

Deciding What Type of Web Marketing Your Company Needs

Deciding What Type of Web Marketing Your Company Needs

Why a Marketing Strategy Matters No plan = NO Customers. Bottom line is that your literal bottom line will suffer both short term and long term unless you are able to determine which types of marketing mediums and channels are best suited to your brand and audience....

The Critical Role your Business’s Name Plays in Your Success

The Critical Role your Business’s Name Plays in Your Success

  Believe it or not, the name of your business, in large part, lays the foundation for the future success or failure of the brand. Your business’s name is what developers your target audience’s first impression of your company, and as they say, you only get one...

Why Restarting Your Computer Helps

Why Restarting Your Computer Helps

We’ve all been there before. Your computer starts slowing down or freezing up, and you’re forced to throw your hands up in frustration, call tech support, or, perhaps, restart your machine? Opting for tech support often results in you waiting on hold for what feels...

What are Cookies and Why do They Matter?

What are Cookies and Why do They Matter?

Bring up the word “cookies” and most people’s minds drift to grandma’s famous chocolate chip recipe right out of the oven. But in the context of the internet, browsers and computers, “cookies” take on a whole different meaning altogether. Cookie, as you’ll come to...

Why is Vulnerability Assessment so Important?

Why is Vulnerability Assessment so Important?

A vulnerability assessment is a risk management process used to identify, quantify and rank possible vulnerabilities to threats in a system.  It’s been a busy year for cyberattacks. As part of our Data Management services, RadiusBridge® tracks threats and provides...

Ways to Improve Your Social Media Presence

Ways to Improve Your Social Media Presence

Ways to Improve your Social Media Presence In today’s socially-driven world, virtually every industry is impacted in some way by social media. When used strategically over time, social media is one of (if not) the most powerful marketing channels brands can leverage...

How to Protect Your Important Business Data

How to Protect Your Important Business Data

If there is one thing that can immensely jeopardize the integrity of your business, its unprotected data. If your data is exposed to people with malicious intent, it affects your business from every direction. First, it ruins the image of your brand and greatly...

5 Reasons You Need to Update Your Website Now

5 Reasons You Need to Update Your Website Now

As a successful business owner, you know the importance of building and maintaining an effective online presence. This, of course, begins with your website and extends into all your digital marketing efforts. Yet, once the initial website launch and marketing plan is...

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Get The Most Out Of Your Online Shop Using Shopial

Get The Most Out Of Your Online Shop Using Shopial

Do you have a shiny new online shop, with a service like Shopify or Etsy, but aren’t making your sales goals? Promoting your items on Facebook is one idea, but what if your store actually existed on Facebook? We’ve discovered a new tool called Shopial that will allow...

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Easily Find The Images You Need To Make Your Posts Pop

Easily Find The Images You Need To Make Your Posts Pop

Post any images on social media recently? You might’ve spent more time than you wanted searching for the perfect image to go along with you post. Image posts get 179% more interactions than text only posts. A no-brainer for trying to convert some of your social media...

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Easily Create Entertaining Videos for Promotions

Easily Create Entertaining Videos for Promotions

Video content is shared on Facebook more than any other post type, averaging 89.5 shares per video. Creating a video to promote your golf course seems difficult or unapproachable if you don’t have experience. It doesn’t have to be difficult if you find a decent tool...

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Up Social Media Activity with Hootsuite

Up Social Media Activity with Hootsuite

What stands in the way of your golf course having success with social media? The short answer to this question is staying active – posting like crazy! Hootsuite can help you do just that, and it doesn’t’ cost anything. It will let you integrate all your social media...

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Why should I have a newsletter? Who cares what I’m up to?

Why should I have a newsletter? Who cares what I’m up to?

When it comes to marketing campaigns, a newsletter isn’t likely the first idea that comes to mind. However, despite its reputation as a “boring” or antiquated tool, newsletters can offer a unique way to connect, communicate with and sell to, your customer base. Heck,...

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The Magic of Leave-Behinds: Leaving Lasting Impressions

The Magic of Leave-Behinds: Leaving Lasting Impressions

We’ve all seen them. More than likely, you have several in your house. Take a look around. How many pens do you have bearing a company logo or slogan? Keychains? How many business cards to you carry around in your wallet or purse? If you’ve been to a career fair, then...

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How to Improve Your Business with Email Marketing

How to Improve Your Business with Email Marketing

Business is booming. Or at least we hope it is. And you’re looking for new ways to improve your bottom line, drive sales, engage your audience and grow the company. But marketing is expensive. And these days every dollar spent needs to count. Spending hard-earned...

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Phones Vulnerable To Ransomware? Yes, They Are.

Phones Vulnerable To Ransomware? Yes, They Are.

In 2014, Hollywood was turned upside down when personal photos of several high-profile actresses were hacked and released on the Internet. Apple quickly scrambled to fix the problem, citing that it was an issue with their “Find My Phone” app and the iCloud service. ...

KRACK Attack

KRACK Attack

It seems like every other day, we are hearing about some new hack or website attack that shows the vulnerability of different websites and network systems. But one recently hit the mainstream media, and for good reason. The recent “KRACK Attack” has garnered this...

Not Another Microsoft Patch Tuesday

Not Another Microsoft Patch Tuesday

If it’s Tuesday in your office, then chances are that means one thing: it’s time for another Windows patch/update from Microsoft. These have been rolling out pretty steadily for some time and it goes back to the business model of putting out a product that is not...

2017 Saw More Cyber Attacks Than Ever Before

2017 Saw More Cyber Attacks Than Ever Before

The year 2017 seems to have broken all kinds of records, from movie ticket sales to digital downloads. But one concerning trend was that 2017 saw more cyber attacks than any other year before it. This yearly increase is a trend that has been ongoing for about the last...

Tips on How to Protect Your Identity after the Equifax Hack

Tips on How to Protect Your Identity after the Equifax Hack

All the high-profile hacks in 2017 made it difficult to keep track of how severe and widespread many of the hacks actually were. Certainly one of the most troubling was the Equifax hack – it was one of the largest to date and involved a credit agency that people...

Are All Hackers Monsters? The Answer Will Surprise You

Are All Hackers Monsters? The Answer Will Surprise You

Ask the average person to describe a hacker or “cybercriminal,” and chances are you would probably get a stereotype straight out of Hollywood: a guy with a vaguely Eastern European accent sitting in a cramped, dark room, dressed like the Unabomber or an extra from Mr....

How Will Net Neutrality Affect Me?

How Will Net Neutrality Affect Me?

As the New Year begins, one of the biggest topics in the tech field is net neutrality. After the FCC voted to end net neutrality in December, the Internet erupted with a variety of theories as to what would happen to Internet access in the coming year. As with most...

3 Easy Steps to Avoid Being Victim of Email Phishing Scams

3 Easy Steps to Avoid Being Victim of Email Phishing Scams

Fraudulent emails are a reality for each of us. These fake emails are attempts by hackers to gain access to your email and personal information. Stories of stolen identity as well as attempts (sometimes successful) to hack business networks and servers have been...

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Why Restarting Your Computer Helps

Why Restarting Your Computer Helps

We’ve all been there before. Your computer starts slowing down or freezing up, and you’re forced to throw your hands up in frustration, call tech support, or, perhaps, restart your machine? Opting for tech support often results in you waiting on hold for what feels...

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What are Cookies and Why do They Matter?

What are Cookies and Why do They Matter?

Bring up the word “cookies” and most people’s minds drift to grandma’s famous chocolate chip recipe right out of the oven. But in the context of the internet, browsers and computers, “cookies” take on a whole different meaning altogether. Cookie, as you’ll come to...

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Why Reviews are Important for Your Business

Why Reviews are Important for Your Business

Despite all of the advancements in marketing strategies, word of mouth is still one of the most powerful tools for getting the word out about your business and closing more deals. With the rise of social media networks and digital business channels at our disposal,...

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Warnings about Logging into Public Wi-fi

Warnings about Logging into Public Wi-fi

Today, we’ve become addicted to Internet access at all times of the day or night. If you walk into any restaurant, bar, coffee shop or shopping mall, you’ll see dozens of people attached to their electronic devices. It has become so common place that when we go...

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How to Filter What Your Kids See Online

How to Filter What Your Kids See Online

Think of the Internet as the actual physical world outside. You wouldn’t let your young children run around without supervision outside of your home or your street. For parents with teens, the supervision may loosen, but you still won’t allow them to visit bars or the...

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Is Your Phone/Amazon Echo/Google Assistant Listening To You?

Is Your Phone/Amazon Echo/Google Assistant Listening To You?

Ever since George Orwell’s classic assertion that “Big Brother is watching you,” people have been paranoid about the government listening in on our private conversations. In his book 1984, the spying devices were television screens in the home. But has that technology...

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Securing Baby Monitor Cameras and Webcams from Hackers

Securing Baby Monitor Cameras and Webcams from Hackers

  For parents, it’s the stuff of nightmares—installing a baby monitor camera in your nursery to protect your child only to find out it has been compromised by a hacker who is now able to see your sleeping infant. When these devices started to become common place,...

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The Importance of Physical Security

The Importance of Physical Security

When you hear “security” and “IT” together, you probably think about cybersecurity. After all, in today’s technology-driven world, cybersecurity threats and breaches make headlines on an almost daily basis. And while it’s true that cybersecurity is a big part of...

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How to Stop Apps from Tracking You

How to Stop Apps from Tracking You

In his classic novel 1984, George Orwell famously coined the phrase “Big Brother is watching you.” Little did he know that in the 70 years since the book’s publication, that has almost literally become true. In Orwell’s sci-fi novel, people were monitored by TVs in...

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Do You Know How Much It Costs to Hack Someone?

Do You Know How Much It Costs to Hack Someone?

We’ve known for years that a data breach or hack can cost a business everywhere from thousands to tens of millions of dollars. For example, the infamous hack of Target and its credit card users cost $191 million. Thankfully for the company, they had insurance which...

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Think Your Information is Safe? Think Again

Think Your Information is Safe? Think Again

  Every time you get on social media and share a photo or search for some random question on a search engine, your information is being stored. It is saved, sorted and circulated so your information is then being shared with lots of unexpected places that you are...

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Deciding What Type of Web Marketing Your Company Needs

Deciding What Type of Web Marketing Your Company Needs

Why a Marketing Strategy Matters No plan = NO Customers. Bottom line is that your literal bottom line will suffer both short term and long term unless you are able to determine which types of marketing mediums and channels are best suited to your brand and audience....

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Why Restarting Your Computer Helps

Why Restarting Your Computer Helps

We’ve all been there before. Your computer starts slowing down or freezing up, and you’re forced to throw your hands up in frustration, call tech support, or, perhaps, restart your machine? Opting for tech support often results in you waiting on hold for what feels...

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What are Cookies and Why do They Matter?

What are Cookies and Why do They Matter?

Bring up the word “cookies” and most people’s minds drift to grandma’s famous chocolate chip recipe right out of the oven. But in the context of the internet, browsers and computers, “cookies” take on a whole different meaning altogether. Cookie, as you’ll come to...

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Why Reviews are Important for Your Business

Why Reviews are Important for Your Business

Despite all of the advancements in marketing strategies, word of mouth is still one of the most powerful tools for getting the word out about your business and closing more deals. With the rise of social media networks and digital business channels at our disposal,...

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Ways to Improve Your Social Media Presence

Ways to Improve Your Social Media Presence

Ways to Improve your Social Media Presence In today’s socially-driven world, virtually every industry is impacted in some way by social media. When used strategically over time, social media is one of (if not) the most powerful marketing channels brands can leverage...

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How to Protect Your Important Business Data

How to Protect Your Important Business Data

If there is one thing that can immensely jeopardize the integrity of your business, its unprotected data. If your data is exposed to people with malicious intent, it affects your business from every direction. First, it ruins the image of your brand and greatly...

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5 Reasons You Need to Update Your Website Now

5 Reasons You Need to Update Your Website Now

As a successful business owner, you know the importance of building and maintaining an effective online presence. This, of course, begins with your website and extends into all your digital marketing efforts. Yet, once the initial website launch and marketing plan is...

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How much should I be spending on marketing?

How much should I be spending on marketing?

Have you ever wondered why your competitor is enjoying better growth even if your product or services are superior to his? The answer lies in your marketing strategy. The quality of a product or service matter only if they are able to reach the customer and a good...

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