Could Convenience Cost Your Company Security?

Could Convenience Cost Your Company Security?

New technology is always promising the ease of use and convenience that this breakthrough will offer.  Unfortunately, for every step forward in convenience, there seems to be another step backward when it comes to headaches for IT professionals. This is true with...

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AI’s Role in Cybersecurity: The Role Humans Will Play

AI’s Role in Cybersecurity: The Role Humans Will Play

    Twenty years ago, the idea of a car that drove itself would be considered in the realm of science fiction, right up there with time-traveling DeLoreans from Back to the Future. But now, self-driving cars are looking to change the way we drive, becoming...

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How to Stop Apps from Tracking You

How to Stop Apps from Tracking You

In his classic novel 1984, George Orwell famously coined the phrase “Big Brother is watching you.” Little did he know that in the 70 years since the book’s publication, that has almost literally become true. In Orwell’s sci-fi novel, people were monitored by TVs in...

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Do You Know How Much It Costs to Hack Someone?

Do You Know How Much It Costs to Hack Someone?

We’ve known for years that a data breach or hack can cost a business everywhere from thousands to tens of millions of dollars. For example, the infamous hack of Target and its credit card users cost $191 million. Thankfully for the company, they had insurance which...

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Think Your Information is Safe? Think Again

Think Your Information is Safe? Think Again

  Every time you get on social media and share a photo or search for some random question on a search engine, your information is being stored. It is saved, sorted and circulated so your information is then being shared with lots of unexpected places that you are...

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Deciding What Type of Web Marketing Your Company Needs

Deciding What Type of Web Marketing Your Company Needs

Why a Marketing Strategy Matters No plan = NO Customers. Bottom line is that your literal bottom line will suffer both short term and long term unless you are able to determine which types of marketing mediums and channels are best suited to your brand and audience....

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Using Retargeting Ads on Social Media

Using Retargeting Ads on Social Media

Gone are the days when customers would visit your shop with the intention to actually pay for your services. Now the shops have turned into websites and customers have become window shoppers. It’s no more about getting them on your website or impressing them with your...

How to be a Data-Driven Executive

How to be a Data-Driven Executive

It’s no secret that with the advent of the Internet, the world has become data-centric. Data plays the most crucial role in defining the extent of success for every organization. Whether it is the analysis of your organization’s performance or it is the critical data...

Cyberattacks: Not a matter of if but when 

Cyberattacks: Not a matter of if but when 

It is an inescapable fact that when it comes to your privacy, there is always a bullseye on your back. Considering the comprehensive use of computer networks in the modern era of technology to maintain your privacy and your confidential data, this bullseye is actually...

Virtual Desktops for Increased Security and Lower Costs

Virtual Desktops for Increased Security and Lower Costs

Virtual Desktops for Increased Security and Lower Costs Twitter and Square’s CEO, Jack Dorsey, is tackling the issue of how businesses do business in the time of unprecedented economic and health upheaval.  He instituted a new policy, along this remote working line,...

Where do Cyber Threats Come From? From All Sides.

Where do Cyber Threats Come From? From All Sides.

We are such a highly technological society that we often take it for granted. This can lead to opening ourselves up to cybercriminals at an alarming rate. A speech from FBI Director Christopher A. Wray emphasized that these cyber threats are “coming at us from all...

Could Convenience Cost Your Company Security?

Could Convenience Cost Your Company Security?

New technology is always promising the ease of use and convenience that this breakthrough will offer.  Unfortunately, for every step forward in convenience, there seems to be another step backward when it comes to headaches for IT professionals. This is true with...

Mobile App Cybersecurity: Your Phone is Putting You At Risk

Mobile App Cybersecurity: Your Phone is Putting You At Risk

If you think your mobile app is safe to download just because it comes from Google or Apple stores, think again. A staggering report has shown that 85% of all mobile apps violate some form of safety standard. These had at least one security flaw out of the Open Web...

Cyberattacks: Not a Matter of If, But When

Cyberattacks: Not a Matter of If, But When

  It is a fact that when it comes to privacy, there is always a bullseye on your back. Considering the dependency on computer networks to maintain your company’s security and confidentiality this bullseye is on your computer systems leaving your business...

Dashboards and Business Intelligence

Dashboards and Business Intelligence

A business intelligence (BI) dashboard is an information management tool used to track KPIs, metrics, and other data points. Through the use of data visualizations, dashboards can simplify complex data sets to provide at-a-glance awareness of current performance....

Why is a Vulnerability Assessment so important?

Why is a Vulnerability Assessment so important?

  A vulnerability assessment is a risk management process used to identify, quantify, and rank possible vulnerabilities to threats in a system. It’s been a busy year for cyberattacks. As part of our Data Management services, RadiusBridge® tracks threats and...

Data Theft – Would You Pay the Ransom?

Data Theft – Would You Pay the Ransom?

We live in a data-centric world where data holds the utmost importance. Any person’s life can be summed up through the data belonging to him. From identity to finance to even health, our data needs to have the optimum protection. But, with the growing dependency on...

Dashboards and Business Intelligence

Dashboards and Business Intelligence

A business intelligence (BI) dashboard is an information management tool used to track KPIs, metrics, and other data points relevant to a business, department, or specific process. Through the use of data visualizations, dashboards can simplify complex data sets to...

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Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

Should a business spend its marketing budget on traditional marketing, with its long and successful heritage, or digital marketing, a relative newcomer? Or does a blended approach make the most sense? Print was the first form of traditional marketing If you don’t...

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Using Facebook to Market Your Small Business

Using Facebook to Market Your Small Business

Facebook is the most widely used social media platform for businesses and as many as 41 percent of small businesses in the U.S. use it as part of their marketing strategy. However, a lot of business owners have reported that their efforts are not as effective as they...

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How to Bring More Customers in to Your Local Business

How to Bring More Customers in to Your Local Business

In order for any business to earn a share of the marketplace, there are four critical areas they need to work on: Engage, Grow, Increase, and Results. Engage You need to be able to engage your audience (in this case your potential customers). We can assist in...

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Local Promotion Guide

Local Promotion Guide

In this day and age, having an online presence can be the best thing you do for your business. People search for what they need through search engines, typing in certain keywords to help them find businesses or services in their area. This is where local SEO...

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Get The Most Out Of Your Online Shop Using Shopial

Get The Most Out Of Your Online Shop Using Shopial

Do you have a shiny new online shop, with a service like Shopify or Etsy, but aren’t making your sales goals? Promoting your items on Facebook is one idea, but what if your store actually existed on Facebook? We’ve discovered a new tool called Shopial that will allow...

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Easily Find The Images You Need To Make Your Posts Pop

Easily Find The Images You Need To Make Your Posts Pop

Post any images on social media recently? You might’ve spent more time than you wanted searching for the perfect image to go along with you post. Image posts get 179% more interactions than text only posts. A no-brainer for trying to convert some of your social media...

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Easily Create Entertaining Videos for Promotions

Easily Create Entertaining Videos for Promotions

Video content is shared on Facebook more than any other post type, averaging 89.5 shares per video. Creating a video to promote your golf course seems difficult or unapproachable if you don’t have experience. It doesn’t have to be difficult if you find a decent tool...

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Up Social Media Activity with Hootsuite

Up Social Media Activity with Hootsuite

What stands in the way of your golf course having success with social media? The short answer to this question is staying active – posting like crazy! Hootsuite can help you do just that, and it doesn’t’ cost anything. It will let you integrate all your social media...

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Why Digital Marketing is Important

Why Digital Marketing is Important

The online marketplace is extremely lucrative, with 96 percent of Americans making purchases on the internet. The majority of those shoppers prefer the internet for shopping over having to deal with crowds, lines, and product availability in brick-and-mortar stores....

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5 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Out for in 2018

5 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Out for in 2018

Being able to adapt to industry trends is the hallmark of a successful business owner. There are more platforms that ever before that owners and advertisers can utilize to drive traffic to their website, get people in the door of their brick-and-mortar shop, and...

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Strategies for Marketing a Niche Business

Strategies for Marketing a Niche Business

If you are a small business owner or a solopreneur, narrowing your business down to a niche can actually boost your business. It sounds crazy, but getting really good at delivering a small number of specialized products or services to like-minded customers can improve...

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How Digital Marketing Affects Consumer Behavior

How Digital Marketing Affects Consumer Behavior

Digital marketing and its disruption are here and opening new opportunities for businesses to expand and reach an even larger audience. Where we’ve come from In the last 20 years, we’ve moved from getting our news and advertising in measured doses from TV and...

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Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

Should a business spend its marketing budget on traditional marketing, with its long and successful heritage, or digital marketing, a relative newcomer? Or does a blended approach make the most sense? Print was the first form of traditional marketing If you don’t...

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Using Facebook to Market Your Small Business

Using Facebook to Market Your Small Business

Facebook is the most widely used social media platform for businesses and as many as 41 percent of small businesses in the U.S. use it as part of their marketing strategy. However, a lot of business owners have reported that their efforts are not as effective as they...

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How to Bring More Customers in to Your Local Business

How to Bring More Customers in to Your Local Business

In order for any business to earn a share of the marketplace, there are four critical areas they need to work on: Engage, Grow, Increase, and Results. Engage You need to be able to engage your audience (in this case your potential customers). We can assist in...

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Local Promotion Guide

Local Promotion Guide

In this day and age, having an online presence can be the best thing you do for your business. People search for what they need through search engines, typing in certain keywords to help them find businesses or services in their area. This is where local SEO...

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Social Media Management tips and tricks

Social Media Management tips and tricks

In June 2017, Facebook’s monthly user count passed the two billion mark — that’s over 1/4 of the global population. Social media as a whole is growing at a tremendous pace, and more businesses are starting to take notice of its potential in the advertising world. As...

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Importance of Analytics for Businesses Big and Small

Importance of Analytics for Businesses Big and Small

For most businesses, the top priority is offering valuable products and services to their consumers. The best way to do this is to stay ahead of their competition and keep innovating. In the past, companies would use flawed, time-consuming models to gauge how their...

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Is Your Printer Spying On You? Yes, It Might Be

Is Your Printer Spying On You? Yes, It Might Be

Ask any IT specialist what the most aggravating part of their job is and it probably won’t be foreign hackers or incompetent users who think they know more than they really do. No, chances are that their biggest nightmare is a little device that most of us take for...

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Equifax Has More Than One Bad Day

Equifax Has More Than One Bad Day

One of the biggest problems with all of the media attention given to corporate hacking is that after a while it almost becomes blasé. We become so used to hearing about yet another online invasion that has left customer data in jeopardy that we almost start to think...

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Phones Vulnerable To Ransomware? Yes, They Are.

Phones Vulnerable To Ransomware? Yes, They Are.

In 2014, Hollywood was turned upside down when personal photos of several high-profile actresses were hacked and released on the Internet. Apple quickly scrambled to fix the problem, citing that it was an issue with their “Find My Phone” app and the iCloud service. ...

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KRACK Attack

KRACK Attack

It seems like every other day, we are hearing about some new hack or website attack that shows the vulnerability of different websites and network systems. But one recently hit the mainstream media, and for good reason. The recent “KRACK Attack” has garnered this...

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Not Another Microsoft Patch Tuesday

Not Another Microsoft Patch Tuesday

If it’s Tuesday in your office, then chances are that means one thing: it’s time for another Windows patch/update from Microsoft. These have been rolling out pretty steadily for some time and it goes back to the business model of putting out a product that is not...

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Why You Should Document Your Network System

Why You Should Document Your Network System

For many of us in the IT world, we enjoy working on computers, building networks, designing programs, and implementing new systems. But when it comes to the “paperwork” side of the business, many of us tend to lag behind and let those tasks fall between the cracks....

Backup Horror Stories

Backup Horror Stories

Ask someone to name something scary, and chances are you'll hear about fears of spiders, snakes, or creepy clowns. But in today’s society, with cybercrime on the rise, you’ll probably also find “loss of computer data” on that list of fears. We’ve become so reliant on...

How to Protect Your Data from a Natural Disaster

How to Protect Your Data from a Natural Disaster

As 2017 comes to a close, many of us will remember the slate of natural disasters that have hit the country over the last 12 months. From hurricanes in the fall that hit Texas, Louisiana, Florida, and Puerto Rico to wildfires blazing out of control in California,...

4 Ways to Protect Your Company From a Cyber Attack

4 Ways to Protect Your Company From a Cyber Attack

There is an old saying that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. That is definitely the way it works for cyber security. Unfortunately, many employees in some companies have proven themselves to be the weak link in their network security chain. Staying one...

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Covers the Cyber Threats Facing Hospitals

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Covers the Cyber Threats Facing Hospitals

You would think that the last place to learn about the latest cyber threats facing the healthcare industry would be the television show "Grey’s Anatomy."  But a recent episode of the hit show focused on a topic that has become a legitimate issue at hospitals...

Is Your Printer Spying On You? Yes, It Might Be

Is Your Printer Spying On You? Yes, It Might Be

Ask any IT specialist what the most aggravating part of their job is and it probably won’t be foreign hackers or incompetent users who think they know more than they really do. No, chances are that their biggest nightmare is a little device that most of us take for...

Equifax Has More Than One Bad Day

Equifax Has More Than One Bad Day

One of the biggest problems with all of the media attention given to corporate hacking is that after a while it almost becomes blasé. We become so used to hearing about yet another online invasion that has left customer data in jeopardy that we almost start to think...

You’ve Decided the Cloud Is for You – What’s Next?

You’ve Decided the Cloud Is for You – What’s Next?

It’s a major step that any IT director has to take, but once you’ve decided the cloud is right for you, there are a few steps you absolutely have to take. You are going to need to sit down with your team and discuss the timeline for the switchover, and just how you...

To Cloud or Not to Cloud? That is the Question.

To Cloud or Not to Cloud? That is the Question.

A few years ago, a new term hit the tech world—“the cloud.” Since then, it has become one of the biggest technology game-changers, while at the same time also being one that many people don’t completely understand. But one thing that your business needs to do is...

Hybrid Cloud: The Best of Both Worlds

Hybrid Cloud: The Best of Both Worlds

Many people are currently agonizing over the decision to switch their computer system over to a cloud-computing environment. Some are concerned about the security issues or the privacy problems. Others are worried about connectivity and what happens when the cloud...

3 Tips on How to Protect Your Computer from Hackers

3 Tips on How to Protect Your Computer from Hackers

For many people, theft goes beyond the actual loss of an item. It’s painful because of the loss of privacy and the invasion that it constitutes. But when the stolen item is a laptop or tablet, that invasion of privacy can go much deeper. It’s possible that if your...

Top Concerns for IT Directors in 2018

Top Concerns for IT Directors in 2018

When you look back at 2017 and see all the Internet nightmares that occurred, it’s easy to see why IT directors have had their blood pressure steadily rise. Last year saw the rise of ransomware, including the WannaCry hack that impacted everything from businesses to...

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Could Convenience Cost Your Company Security?

Could Convenience Cost Your Company Security?

New technology is always promising the ease of use and convenience that this breakthrough will offer.  Unfortunately, for every step forward in convenience, there seems to be another step backward when it comes to headaches for IT professionals. This is true with...

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AI’s Role in Cybersecurity: The Role Humans Will Play

AI’s Role in Cybersecurity: The Role Humans Will Play

    Twenty years ago, the idea of a car that drove itself would be considered in the realm of science fiction, right up there with time-traveling DeLoreans from Back to the Future. But now, self-driving cars are looking to change the way we drive, becoming...

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How to Stop Apps from Tracking You

How to Stop Apps from Tracking You

In his classic novel 1984, George Orwell famously coined the phrase “Big Brother is watching you.” Little did he know that in the 70 years since the book’s publication, that has almost literally become true. In Orwell’s sci-fi novel, people were monitored by TVs in...

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Do You Know How Much It Costs to Hack Someone?

Do You Know How Much It Costs to Hack Someone?

We’ve known for years that a data breach or hack can cost a business everywhere from thousands to tens of millions of dollars. For example, the infamous hack of Target and its credit card users cost $191 million. Thankfully for the company, they had insurance which...

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Think Your Information is Safe? Think Again

Think Your Information is Safe? Think Again

  Every time you get on social media and share a photo or search for some random question on a search engine, your information is being stored. It is saved, sorted and circulated so your information is then being shared with lots of unexpected places that you are...

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Deciding What Type of Web Marketing Your Company Needs

Deciding What Type of Web Marketing Your Company Needs

Why a Marketing Strategy Matters No plan = NO Customers. Bottom line is that your literal bottom line will suffer both short term and long term unless you are able to determine which types of marketing mediums and channels are best suited to your brand and audience....

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How to be a Data-Driven Executive

How to be a Data-Driven Executive

It’s no secret that with the advent of the Internet, the world has become data-centric. Data plays the most crucial role in defining the extent of success for every organization. Whether it is the analysis of your organization’s performance or it is the critical data...

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Cyberattacks: Not a matter of if but when 

Cyberattacks: Not a matter of if but when 

It is an inescapable fact that when it comes to your privacy, there is always a bullseye on your back. Considering the comprehensive use of computer networks in the modern era of technology to maintain your privacy and your confidential data, this bullseye is actually...

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Virtual Desktops for Increased Security and Lower Costs

Virtual Desktops for Increased Security and Lower Costs

Virtual Desktops for Increased Security and Lower Costs Twitter and Square’s CEO, Jack Dorsey, is tackling the issue of how businesses do business in the time of unprecedented economic and health upheaval.  He instituted a new policy, along this remote working line,...

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Where do Cyber Threats Come From? From All Sides.

Where do Cyber Threats Come From? From All Sides.

We are such a highly technological society that we often take it for granted. This can lead to opening ourselves up to cybercriminals at an alarming rate. A speech from FBI Director Christopher A. Wray emphasized that these cyber threats are “coming at us from all...

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Could Convenience Cost Your Company Security?

Could Convenience Cost Your Company Security?

New technology is always promising the ease of use and convenience that this breakthrough will offer.  Unfortunately, for every step forward in convenience, there seems to be another step backward when it comes to headaches for IT professionals. This is true with...

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AI’s Role in Cybersecurity: The Role Humans Will Play

AI’s Role in Cybersecurity: The Role Humans Will Play

    Twenty years ago, the idea of a car that drove itself would be considered in the realm of science fiction, right up there with time-traveling DeLoreans from Back to the Future. But now, self-driving cars are looking to change the way we drive, becoming...

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Cyberattacks: Not a Matter of If, But When

Cyberattacks: Not a Matter of If, But When

  It is a fact that when it comes to privacy, there is always a bullseye on your back. Considering the dependency on computer networks to maintain your company’s security and confidentiality this bullseye is on your computer systems leaving your business...

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Dashboards and Business Intelligence

Dashboards and Business Intelligence

A business intelligence (BI) dashboard is an information management tool used to track KPIs, metrics, and other data points. Through the use of data visualizations, dashboards can simplify complex data sets to provide at-a-glance awareness of current performance....

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Why is a Vulnerability Assessment so important?

Why is a Vulnerability Assessment so important?

  A vulnerability assessment is a risk management process used to identify, quantify, and rank possible vulnerabilities to threats in a system. It’s been a busy year for cyberattacks. As part of our Data Management services, RadiusBridge® tracks threats and...

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Data Theft – Would You Pay the Ransom?

Data Theft – Would You Pay the Ransom?

We live in a data-centric world where data holds the utmost importance. Any person’s life can be summed up through the data belonging to him. From identity to finance to even health, our data needs to have the optimum protection. But, with the growing dependency on...

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Dashboards and Business Intelligence

Dashboards and Business Intelligence

A business intelligence (BI) dashboard is an information management tool used to track KPIs, metrics, and other data points relevant to a business, department, or specific process. Through the use of data visualizations, dashboards can simplify complex data sets to...

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Be assured that, as our client, all of your information is and will remain protected and confidential through all services now and in the future. We do not release any information to third party companies including other clients or potential clients.