Is Your Website Ugly?

Is Your Website Ugly?

Does ugly matter for your business? It depends. What is the purpose of your website? If the need of a user is transactional, don’t let the design slow down the sales process. If the need is informational, don’t hide your information. Many amazingly successful websites...

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Your Data. Your Business. Your KPI’s

Your Data. Your Business. Your KPI’s

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) are methods executives use to measure the organization’s performance and convey to staff what you have decided is important to success. Core to the concept of KPI’s is the old adage: What gets measured gets done. Executives and all...

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Data Control and Quality

Data Control and Quality

All organizations have data quality issues. When is this most evident? When a business moves data between (or transitions to new) applications, shifts to a cloud environment, or has a business change such as an acquisition. The business impact of poor data quality...

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Data Management: Improving Marketing

Data Management: Improving Marketing

Data can reveal strengths and weaknesses of every part of your business, allowing you to make better decisions from operations to finance to marketing. How do you incorporate data-driven marketing into your business to see the benefits fast? Before anyone in your...

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Your Data, Your Business.

Your Data, Your Business.

The days of finding out sales numbers by asking Jim at the coffee maker are more than over. They’re dead. And further, if you’re still getting your results, forecasts, and inventory numbers through a meeting with a key person you...

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What Does it Cost to Steal From You?

What Does it Cost to Steal From You?

The going price on the Dark Web is $1 to $8 per credential. For less than some fancy coffees at a cafe a criminal can cripple your business or steal all your cash. But, how are your employee credentials exposed to start with? Usually credentials are stolen from...

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Can A Wallboard Increase Productivity?

Can A Wallboard Increase Productivity?

A wallboard is an advanced version of an office white-board traditionally used to communicate key business metrics. Real-time data displayed by electronic wallboards helps employees prioritize their tasks and determine next actions. A wallboard can help to create an...

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Competitor Surveillance

Competitor Surveillance

Don’t break into their office or take their IP. We DO recommend that you take advantage of all data publicly available on your competitors. It’s scary how much information is available. Knowing your competitors’ successes and failures will be valuable in doing your...

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Is VDI for you (or not)?

Is VDI for you (or not)?

When supporting your business operations specific problems like system malfunctioning, security breaches, and inability to share and access data remotely are quite common. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) can help you in dealing with them all. VDI is a technology...

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Wait. Security is More than Just Passwords?

Wait. Security is More than Just Passwords?

Exclusively focusing on digital data security misses the larger point that security is protecting all of the business and not simply data. After all, if someone walks out with your ERP server, data management excellence has pretty much left the building along with it....

Is Your Website Ugly?

Is Your Website Ugly?

Does ugly matter for your business? It depends. What is the purpose of your website? If the need of a user is transactional, don’t let the design slow down the sales process. If the need is informational, don’t hide your information. Many amazingly successful websites...

Your Data. Your Business. Your KPI’s

Your Data. Your Business. Your KPI’s

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) are methods executives use to measure the organization’s performance and convey to staff what you have decided is important to success. Core to the concept of KPI’s is the old adage: What gets measured gets done. Executives and all...

Data Control and Quality

Data Control and Quality

All organizations have data quality issues. When is this most evident? When a business moves data between (or transitions to new) applications, shifts to a cloud environment, or has a business change such as an acquisition. The business impact of poor data quality...

Data Management: Improving Marketing

Data Management: Improving Marketing

Data can reveal strengths and weaknesses of every part of your business, allowing you to make better decisions from operations to finance to marketing. How do you incorporate data-driven marketing into your business to see the benefits fast? Before anyone in your...

Your Data, Your Business.

Your Data, Your Business.

The days of finding out sales numbers by asking Jim at the coffee maker are more than over. They’re dead. And further, if you’re still getting your results, forecasts, and inventory numbers through a meeting with a key person you...

What Does it Cost to Steal From You?

What Does it Cost to Steal From You?

The going price on the Dark Web is $1 to $8 per credential. For less than some fancy coffees at a cafe a criminal can cripple your business or steal all your cash. But, how are your employee credentials exposed to start with? Usually credentials are stolen from...

Can A Wallboard Increase Productivity?

Can A Wallboard Increase Productivity?

A wallboard is an advanced version of an office white-board traditionally used to communicate key business metrics. Real-time data displayed by electronic wallboards helps employees prioritize their tasks and determine next actions. A wallboard can help to create an...

Customers and Vendors Can Be Security Threats

Customers and Vendors Can Be Security Threats

We all pay special attention to our customers. It’s part of providing top level service. Without clients we don’t have money to operate our business. If you’re like many companies, you’ve whitelisted the domains of all your clients to make sure their emails bypass...

Growth Is Always Good No, Not Really.

Growth Is Always Good No, Not Really.

Your business is stable: predictable revenue, generous profit, known risks. But it’s time to grow. Whether this is “guidance” from the Board of Directors, the new owners have different goals, or you’ve simply decided the business is ready, growth is up next for your...

Know KPI’s Where to Start

Know KPI’s Where to Start

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) are methods executives use to measure the organization’s performance and convey to staff what you have decided is important to success. Core to the concept of KPI’s is the old adage: What gets measured gets done. Executives and all...

Wait. Security is More than Just Passwords?

Wait. Security is More than Just Passwords?

Exclusively focusing on digital data security misses the larger point that security is protecting all of the business and not simply data. After all, if someone walks out with your ERP server, data management excellence has pretty much left the building along with it....

Is Your Website Ugly?

Is Your Website Ugly?

Does ugly matter for your business? It depends. What is the purpose of your website? If the need of a user is transactional, don’t let the design slow down the sales process. If the need is informational, don’t hide your information. Many amazingly successful websites...

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The page you requested could not be found. Try refining your search, or use the navigation above to locate the post.

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The page you requested could not be found. Try refining your search, or use the navigation above to locate the post.

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The page you requested could not be found. Try refining your search, or use the navigation above to locate the post.

The Importance of Keeping Web and Mobile Sites Optimized

The Importance of Keeping Web and Mobile Sites Optimized

1. Better Search Engine Ranking and Visibility In April of 2015, Google decided to finally put their foot down regarding websites that ignored the needs of mobile users. Websites that met their mobile-friendly design guidelines would get a ranking boost for all mobile...

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Startup Tips for Small Business Professionals

Startup Tips for Small Business Professionals

Make a business plan Having an idea is one thing, but having a legitimate business plan is another story. A proper business plan gives you a significant advantage. So how do you make a business plan? In simple terms, a business plan is the written description of your...

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Small Town Marketing vs Big City Promotions

Small Town Marketing vs Big City Promotions

Marketing in a small town is much different than doing so in a large city. Most marketing advice you’ll find online comes from those living or targeting markets in big cities. As such, their advice doesn’t always translate well for those looking to promote in smaller...

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May Roundup: 16 Organization Tips for Your Small Business

May Roundup: 16 Organization Tips for Your Small Business

1.You should have a Google my business profile Millions of people use Google Search as their first step when looking for goods or services. With a GMB created, you can ensure that they see the correct information. You can make sure that your business is getting a...

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5 Reasons You Need to Update Your Website Now

5 Reasons You Need to Update Your Website Now

As a successful business owner, you know the importance of building and maintaining an effective online presence. This, of course, begins with your website and extends into all your digital marketing efforts. Yet, once the initial website launch and marketing plan is...

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The Importance of Keeping Web and Mobile Sites Optimized

The Importance of Keeping Web and Mobile Sites Optimized

1. Better Search Engine Ranking and Visibility In April of 2015, Google decided to finally put their foot down regarding websites that ignored the needs of mobile users. Websites that met their mobile-friendly design guidelines would get a ranking boost for all mobile...

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Startup Tips for Small Business Professionals

Startup Tips for Small Business Professionals

Make a business plan Having an idea is one thing, but having a legitimate business plan is another story. A proper business plan gives you a significant advantage. So how do you make a business plan? In simple terms, a business plan is the written description of your...

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Small Town Marketing vs Big City Promotions

Small Town Marketing vs Big City Promotions

Marketing in a small town is much different than doing so in a large city. Most marketing advice you’ll find online comes from those living or targeting markets in big cities. As such, their advice doesn’t always translate well for those looking to promote in smaller...

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Data Management: Improving Marketing

Data Management: Improving Marketing

Data can reveal strengths and weaknesses of every part of your business, allowing you to make better decisions from operations to finance to marketing. How do you incorporate data-driven marketing into your business to see the benefits fast? Before anyone in your...

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Marketing: Spend -vs- Focus

Marketing: Spend -vs- Focus

Why is your competitor enjoying better growth even if your product or service is superior? Answer: What matters is whether potential customers even know about your better option. A good marketing plan ensures potential customers know about you. Where Are Your Future...

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5 Reasons You Need to Update Your Website Now

5 Reasons You Need to Update Your Website Now

As a successful business owner, you know the importance of building and maintaining an effective online presence. This, of course, begins with your website and extends into all your digital marketing efforts. Yet, once the initial website launch and marketing plan is...

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Small Business Website Metrics You Need

Small Business Website Metrics You Need

RadiusBridge Explores The Top 5 Metrics You Should Be Tracking For Your Small Business For small and big businesses, it is important to keep track of some website metrics from day one using preferred business reporting software. The reports generated by the software...

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Informational Tech And Your Business

Informational Tech And Your Business

How Important Is Information Technology Management And Why Does Your Business Need It? IT management or information technology simply refers to the process of making your technology work for you better. In essence, IT management allows you make the best of your...

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Is Your Router Infected?  Russian Hackers Target Routers

Is Your Router Infected? Russian Hackers Target Routers

Another recent cyber attack has hit the Internet, but this time the targets are not computers, but network routers themselves.  Russian hackers “Fancy Bear” are believed to be behind this attack which would make it the second big hack they are affiliated with after...

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Could You Be Cyber-Attacked While in the Hospital?

Could You Be Cyber-Attacked While in the Hospital?

We have heard quite a bit about the dangers of cyber attacks.  Specifically, though, most of these stories center around hacking personal information such as social security numbers, checking accounts, and credit card numbers.  Identity theft and ruining your credit...

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Is Your Child At Risk Using Disney Apps?

Is Your Child At Risk Using Disney Apps?

When you send your child out in the world, be it to school or outings with friends, you hope that they will be safe and protected.  To that end, many parents are buying smartphones for their children at a younger and younger age.  The rationale is that if the child...

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Is Your Email Host Catching All The Malicious Malware?

Is Your Email Host Catching All The Malicious Malware?

For many of us in the business and technology fields, emails can be our lifeline.  Unfortunately, hackers also realize this and they are doing everything they can to subvert our emails and use them against us to infiltrate our networks.  That’s why we rely on our...

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Federal Employees Aren’t Immune to Data Breaches

Federal Employees Aren’t Immune to Data Breaches

While there have been a lot of high-profile hacks in the past few years, many still don’t believe that they themselves could one day also become victims of data breaches. But the reality is that just about any person could potentially be hit by one of these attacks...

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Cyberattacks Threatening Professional Sports Teams

Cyberattacks Threatening Professional Sports Teams

One of the biggest industries in the United States is professional sports. The National Football League (NFL) posted earnings of over $13 billion last year. For Major League Baseball (MLB), the number is $9.5 billion. The National Basketball Association (NBA) has...

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Data Theft – Would You Pay the Ransom?

Data Theft – Would You Pay the Ransom?

We live in a data-centric world where data holds the utmost importance. Any person’s life can be summed up through the data belonging to him. From identity to finance to even health, our data needs to have the optimum protection. But, with the growing dependency on...

Small Business Website Metrics You Need

Small Business Website Metrics You Need

RadiusBridge Explores The Top 5 Metrics You Should Be Tracking For Your Small Business For small and big businesses, it is important to keep track of some website metrics from day one using preferred business reporting software. The reports generated by the software...

Informational Tech And Your Business

Informational Tech And Your Business

How Important Is Information Technology Management And Why Does Your Business Need It? IT management or information technology simply refers to the process of making your technology work for you better. In essence, IT management allows you make the best of your...

Is Your Router Infected?  Russian Hackers Target Routers

Is Your Router Infected? Russian Hackers Target Routers

Another recent cyber attack has hit the Internet, but this time the targets are not computers, but network routers themselves.  Russian hackers “Fancy Bear” are believed to be behind this attack which would make it the second big hack they are affiliated with after...

Could You Be Cyber-Attacked While in the Hospital?

Could You Be Cyber-Attacked While in the Hospital?

We have heard quite a bit about the dangers of cyber attacks.  Specifically, though, most of these stories center around hacking personal information such as social security numbers, checking accounts, and credit card numbers.  Identity theft and ruining your credit...

Is Your Child At Risk Using Disney Apps?

Is Your Child At Risk Using Disney Apps?

When you send your child out in the world, be it to school or outings with friends, you hope that they will be safe and protected.  To that end, many parents are buying smartphones for their children at a younger and younger age.  The rationale is that if the child...

Is Your Email Host Catching All The Malicious Malware?

Is Your Email Host Catching All The Malicious Malware?

For many of us in the business and technology fields, emails can be our lifeline.  Unfortunately, hackers also realize this and they are doing everything they can to subvert our emails and use them against us to infiltrate our networks.  That’s why we rely on our...

Is VDI for you (or not)?

Is VDI for you (or not)?

When supporting your business operations specific problems like system malfunctioning, security breaches, and inability to share and access data remotely are quite common. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) can help you in dealing with them all. VDI is a technology...

Theft or Breach?

Theft or Breach?

We live in a data-centric world where any business or person can be neatly summed up through their data. From basic identity to finance and even health information, data has become a key transaction element in our lives. But, with the growing dependency on data, it...

Cyberattacks: Not a Matter of If, But When

Cyberattacks: Not a Matter of If, But When

  It is a fact that when it comes to privacy, there is always a bullseye on your back. Considering the dependency on computer networks to maintain your company’s security and confidentiality this bullseye is on your computer systems leaving your business...

Data Theft – Would You Pay the Ransom?

Data Theft – Would You Pay the Ransom?

We live in a data-centric world where data holds the utmost importance. Any person’s life can be summed up through the data belonging to him. From identity to finance to even health, our data needs to have the optimum protection. But, with the growing dependency on...

Small Business Website Metrics You Need

Small Business Website Metrics You Need

RadiusBridge Explores The Top 5 Metrics You Should Be Tracking For Your Small Business For small and big businesses, it is important to keep track of some website metrics from day one using preferred business reporting software. The reports generated by the software...

6 Social Media Marketing Tips

6 Social Media Marketing Tips

If you’re new to social media marketing, here are some tips that may come in handy: 1. Create a Social Media Strategy Social media is, without a doubt, one of the most powerful marketing tools you can have right now and if you use it correctly, it will pave the way...

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More Time for Social Media Engagement

More Time for Social Media Engagement

Part of monetizing social media for your business is keeping your audience interested with content; part of it is engaging with customers and prospects. The engagement part is really where you want to spend a lot of time. People like to talk about good experiences....

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6 Social Media Marketing Tips

6 Social Media Marketing Tips

If you’re new to social media marketing, here are some tips that may come in handy: 1. Create a Social Media Strategy Social media is, without a doubt, one of the most powerful marketing tools you can have right now and if you use it correctly, it will pave the way...

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More Time for Social Media Engagement

More Time for Social Media Engagement

Part of monetizing social media for your business is keeping your audience interested with content; part of it is engaging with customers and prospects. The engagement part is really where you want to spend a lot of time. People like to talk about good experiences....

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Using Instagram to Market Your Small Business

Using Instagram to Market Your Small Business

Instagram currently has over 400 million users. So it’s not surprising that it has become a way for businesses to connect with people. While majority of those who use this social platform are teens and college students, there are also people from all age groups who...

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What to Expect for Social Media in 2017

What to Expect for Social Media in 2017

If you own a business, then you probably know how important social media marketing is. A lot of businesses of all sizes have tapped social networks like Facebook and Instagram to reach their audience and interact with them. Social media has been around for a decade...

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Is Facebook an Effective Tool for Social Media Marketing?

Is Facebook an Effective Tool for Social Media Marketing?

Facebook has established itself as the #1 social networking website and it continues to give a wealth of benefits for businesses. If you have not yet thought about the marketing opportunities you can have with Facebook, consider the following points: 1. Facebook...

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6 Social Media Marketing Tips

6 Social Media Marketing Tips

If you’re new to social media marketing, here are some tips that may come in handy: 1. Create a Social Media Strategy Social media is, without a doubt, one of the most powerful marketing tools you can have right now and if you use it correctly, it will pave the way...

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Is Your Website Ugly?

Is Your Website Ugly?

Does ugly matter for your business? It depends. What is the purpose of your website? If the need of a user is transactional, don’t let the design slow down the sales process. If the need is informational, don’t hide your information. Many amazingly successful websites...

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Your Data. Your Business. Your KPI’s

Your Data. Your Business. Your KPI’s

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) are methods executives use to measure the organization’s performance and convey to staff what you have decided is important to success. Core to the concept of KPI’s is the old adage: What gets measured gets done. Executives and all...

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Data Control and Quality

Data Control and Quality

All organizations have data quality issues. When is this most evident? When a business moves data between (or transitions to new) applications, shifts to a cloud environment, or has a business change such as an acquisition. The business impact of poor data quality...

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Data Management: Improving Marketing

Data Management: Improving Marketing

Data can reveal strengths and weaknesses of every part of your business, allowing you to make better decisions from operations to finance to marketing. How do you incorporate data-driven marketing into your business to see the benefits fast? Before anyone in your...

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Your Data, Your Business.

Your Data, Your Business.

The days of finding out sales numbers by asking Jim at the coffee maker are more than over. They’re dead. And further, if you’re still getting your results, forecasts, and inventory numbers through a meeting with a key person you...

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What Does it Cost to Steal From You?

What Does it Cost to Steal From You?

The going price on the Dark Web is $1 to $8 per credential. For less than some fancy coffees at a cafe a criminal can cripple your business or steal all your cash. But, how are your employee credentials exposed to start with? Usually credentials are stolen from...

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Can A Wallboard Increase Productivity?

Can A Wallboard Increase Productivity?

A wallboard is an advanced version of an office white-board traditionally used to communicate key business metrics. Real-time data displayed by electronic wallboards helps employees prioritize their tasks and determine next actions. A wallboard can help to create an...

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Competitor Surveillance

Competitor Surveillance

Don’t break into their office or take their IP. We DO recommend that you take advantage of all data publicly available on your competitors. It’s scary how much information is available. Knowing your competitors’ successes and failures will be valuable in doing your...

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Is VDI for you (or not)?

Is VDI for you (or not)?

When supporting your business operations specific problems like system malfunctioning, security breaches, and inability to share and access data remotely are quite common. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) can help you in dealing with them all. VDI is a technology...

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Wait. Security is More than Just Passwords?

Wait. Security is More than Just Passwords?

Exclusively focusing on digital data security misses the larger point that security is protecting all of the business and not simply data. After all, if someone walks out with your ERP server, data management excellence has pretty much left the building along with it....

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Is Your Website Ugly?

Is Your Website Ugly?

Does ugly matter for your business? It depends. What is the purpose of your website? If the need of a user is transactional, don’t let the design slow down the sales process. If the need is informational, don’t hide your information. Many amazingly successful websites...

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Your Data. Your Business. Your KPI’s

Your Data. Your Business. Your KPI’s

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) are methods executives use to measure the organization’s performance and convey to staff what you have decided is important to success. Core to the concept of KPI’s is the old adage: What gets measured gets done. Executives and all...

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Data Control and Quality

Data Control and Quality

All organizations have data quality issues. When is this most evident? When a business moves data between (or transitions to new) applications, shifts to a cloud environment, or has a business change such as an acquisition. The business impact of poor data quality...

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Data Management: Improving Marketing

Data Management: Improving Marketing

Data can reveal strengths and weaknesses of every part of your business, allowing you to make better decisions from operations to finance to marketing. How do you incorporate data-driven marketing into your business to see the benefits fast? Before anyone in your...

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Your Data, Your Business.

Your Data, Your Business.

The days of finding out sales numbers by asking Jim at the coffee maker are more than over. They’re dead. And further, if you’re still getting your results, forecasts, and inventory numbers through a meeting with a key person you...

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What Does it Cost to Steal From You?

What Does it Cost to Steal From You?

The going price on the Dark Web is $1 to $8 per credential. For less than some fancy coffees at a cafe a criminal can cripple your business or steal all your cash. But, how are your employee credentials exposed to start with? Usually credentials are stolen from...

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Can A Wallboard Increase Productivity?

Can A Wallboard Increase Productivity?

A wallboard is an advanced version of an office white-board traditionally used to communicate key business metrics. Real-time data displayed by electronic wallboards helps employees prioritize their tasks and determine next actions. A wallboard can help to create an...

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Customers and Vendors Can Be Security Threats

Customers and Vendors Can Be Security Threats

We all pay special attention to our customers. It’s part of providing top level service. Without clients we don’t have money to operate our business. If you’re like many companies, you’ve whitelisted the domains of all your clients to make sure their emails bypass...

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Growth Is Always Good No, Not Really.

Growth Is Always Good No, Not Really.

Your business is stable: predictable revenue, generous profit, known risks. But it’s time to grow. Whether this is “guidance” from the Board of Directors, the new owners have different goals, or you’ve simply decided the business is ready, growth is up next for your...

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Know KPI’s Where to Start

Know KPI’s Where to Start

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) are methods executives use to measure the organization’s performance and convey to staff what you have decided is important to success. Core to the concept of KPI’s is the old adage: What gets measured gets done. Executives and all...

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Wait. Security is More than Just Passwords?

Wait. Security is More than Just Passwords?

Exclusively focusing on digital data security misses the larger point that security is protecting all of the business and not simply data. After all, if someone walks out with your ERP server, data management excellence has pretty much left the building along with it....

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Is Your Website Ugly?

Is Your Website Ugly?

Does ugly matter for your business? It depends. What is the purpose of your website? If the need of a user is transactional, don’t let the design slow down the sales process. If the need is informational, don’t hide your information. Many amazingly successful websites...

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Be assured that, as our client, all of your information is and will remain protected and confidential through all services now and in the future. We do not release any information to third party companies including other clients or potential clients.