Is Your Business Building an Email List? It Should Be!

Is Your Business Building an Email List? It Should Be!

If you have a business, and you are taking advantage of modern technologies online, one of the most important things that you need to have is an email list. As a matter of fact, if you do not have one, you are actually making a very big mistake. Of course, you may...

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Direct Mail is Not Dead

Direct Mail is Not Dead

There is a tested and proven way to reach more potential customers, directly communicating with your target market and making you stand out against your competition. It is not through the use of digital methods such as social media sites like Facebook, Twitter or...

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What Does Your (Lack of) Branding Tell Potential Clients?

What Does Your (Lack of) Branding Tell Potential Clients?

Branding is a very important aspect in the marketing circle. It has the power to push your business forward, giving you a competitive edge. A strong and well-defined brand will result in an increase in sales, customer loyalty, brand value, and most importantly, the...

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Does Traditional Marketing Work in a Digital World?

Does Traditional Marketing Work in a Digital World?

In a modern, digital world that currently revolves around the use of tablets, smartphones and laptops, it’s very challenging to think in an offline sense. Both traditional and offline marketing still have their clear advantages, but the method of choice for your...

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The Difference Between Branding and Marketing

The Difference Between Branding and Marketing

A business operating amidst a competitive industry makes good use of attraction marketing in order to maximize selling potentials. This technique enables a potential customer to see what you are offering them and how it can actually be of benefit to them before making...

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Yes, we are still talking about mobile!

Yes, we are still talking about mobile!

In 2008, an analyst at Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers made a bold prediction. "Mobile to overtake fixed Internet access by 2014. According to the latest report from comScore, we’re way past the mobile tipping point. It’s not whether mobile marketing is important, it’s...

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Top 10 apps for mobile

Top 10 apps for mobile

Here’s the top ten apps for mobile devices, ranging from getting the scoop on local businesses to trying the best new restaurant in town to visiting a new city and looking for the best place to get a haircut. Want to know the closest coffee shop or gas station? When...

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“Near Me” searches are on the rise

“Near Me” searches are on the rise

According to Google their “Near Me” Search feature has doubled this year as people turn more and more to find local businesses with their mobile devices. Google released this information last week when they launched a new mobile ad product designed specifically around...

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Get The Most Out Of Your Online Shop Using Shopial

Get The Most Out Of Your Online Shop Using Shopial

Do you have a shiny new online shop, with a service like Shopify or Etsy, but aren’t making your sales goals? Promoting your items on Facebook is one idea, but what if your store actually existed on Facebook? We’ve discovered a new tool called Shopial that will allow...

Get in tune with your prospects using Answer The Public

Get in tune with your prospects using Answer The Public

Knowing what questions your prospects are asking about your niche can help you produce better content, and help you rank better in search engines. For a while now one way to do this was to type in a keyword, and take note of what would come up in Google suggestions. A...

How to Research your Competitors with iSpionage

How to Research your Competitors with iSpionage

If you’re thinking about starting a Pay Per Click campaign, or you’re looking to improve your organic ranking in search engines, the place to start is competitor research. Looking at the keywords your competitors put money into, or rank for, can help you be much more...

Get More Engagement From Your Social Media Photo Shares Using Canva

Get More Engagement From Your Social Media Photo Shares Using Canva

By and large, image posts perform best on nearly every social media network. The need to be able to quickly design an image to help reach your audience is more necessary than ever. If you don’t have a team handling your social media marketing, you can make more than...

Find Out What Works On Top Performing Facebook Pages With SumoRank

Find Out What Works On Top Performing Facebook Pages With SumoRank

It’s high time we introduce a tool that will help you make sense of Facebook metrics, to improve overall Facebook marketing efforts. We all need to know what days are best for posting, what times are best for posting, what type of content is best received by our...

Easily Find The Images You Need To Make Your Posts Pop

Easily Find The Images You Need To Make Your Posts Pop

Post any images on social media recently? You might’ve spent more time than you wanted searching for the perfect image to go along with you post. Image posts get 179% more interactions than text only posts. A no-brainer for trying to convert some of your social media...

Easily Create Entertaining Videos for Promotions

Easily Create Entertaining Videos for Promotions

Video content is shared on Facebook more than any other post type, averaging 89.5 shares per video. Creating a video to promote your golf course seems difficult or unapproachable if you don’t have experience. It doesn’t have to be difficult if you find a decent tool...

Where Do Cyber Threats Come From? From All Sides.

Where Do Cyber Threats Come From? From All Sides.

We are such a highly technological society that we often take it for granted. This can lead to opening ourselves up to cybercriminals at an alarming rate. A recent speech from FBI Director Christopher A. Wray emphasized that these cyber threats are "coming at us from...

Could Convenience Cost Your Company Security?

Could Convenience Cost Your Company Security?

New technology is always promising the ease of use and convenience that this breakthrough will offer.  Unfortunately, for every step forward in convenience, there seems to be another step backward when it comes to headaches for IT professionals. This is true with...

You’ve Decided the Cloud Is for You – What’s Next?

You’ve Decided the Cloud Is for You – What’s Next?

It’s a major step that any IT director has to take, but once you’ve decided the cloud is right for you, there are a few steps you absolutely have to take. You are going to need to sit down with your team and discuss the timeline for the switchover, and just how you...

To Cloud or Not to Cloud? That is the Question.

To Cloud or Not to Cloud? That is the Question.

A few years ago, a new term hit the tech world—“the cloud.” Since then, it has become one of the biggest technology game-changers, while at the same time also being one that many people don’t completely understand. But one thing that your business needs to do is...

Hybrid Cloud: The Best of Both Worlds

Hybrid Cloud: The Best of Both Worlds

Many people are currently agonizing over the decision to switch their computer system over to a cloud-computing environment. Some are concerned about the security issues or the privacy problems. Others are worried about connectivity and what happens when the cloud...

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Site Revamp:

Site Revamp:

We have been busy the past couple months working with a wonderful non-profit organization. Men Stopping Violence works locally, nationally, and internationally to dismantle belief systems, social structures, and institutional practices that oppress women and children...

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A Few Ideas On Internet Marketing

A Few Ideas On Internet Marketing

Promoting your small business on the internet is crucial in today's world. The entrepreneur who ignores this gold mine of potential opportunity does so at his or her own peril. There is too much to be gained through marketing on the internet, and little to be lost. If...

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Five Questions You Should Ask Yourself About SEO

Five Questions You Should Ask Yourself About SEO

Fact: Your website needs search engine optimization (SEO) to help your website achieve more. Many try and go it alone in the search engine optimization process and, in the majority of cases, they never see the results they would have achieved if they had enlisted the...

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90s Web Design: Is YOUR Website Accidentally Retro?

90s Web Design: Is YOUR Website Accidentally Retro?

Remember the days of beige PCs, Netscape, Geocities and Tripod? The mid-late 1990s were the playful childhood of the worldwide web, a time of great expectations for the future and pretty low standards for the present. Those were the days when doing a web search meant...

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Best Practices in Contemporary Web Design

Best Practices in Contemporary Web Design

Some websites look like they're a historical archive or what you would have come across when you first started to surf the 'net back in the 1990s. Those sites made much use of table-based graphics, employing onsite builders to create a look that was usually...

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Blog Unleashed: Tips for a Terrific Site

Blog Unleashed: Tips for a Terrific Site

Google Panda and Penguin have unleashed much havoc across the blogosphere, hammering bloggers in a variety of wages. Some of the complaints include a drop in web traffic, disappearing SERPs and a monumental fall in PageRank. You may be doing everything right to update...

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Marketing Should Help Your Business, Not Hurt It

Marketing Should Help Your Business, Not Hurt It

It goes without saying that businesses can’t survive and thrive without a marketing strategy. How will people know about your goods or services if you don’t display your business in some way? Unfortunately, far too many businesses market their company in the wrong...

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3 Common Mistakes When Picking a Web Designer

3 Common Mistakes When Picking a Web Designer

Choosing the proper web designer is an important process in creating your website. If mistakes are made prior to hiring a firm or individual it is much more difficult to fix those mistakes after the site has gone live. Regardless of whether you have a plumbing, salon...

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What is Public Relations? : An Overview

What is Public Relations? : An Overview

We often hear about PR campaigns and public relations whenever companies launch new businesses and products, individuals launch their music and promote tours, or organizations promote projects and causes. While public relations is a term commonly used, many do not...

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Link Building in Depth – Building Links – Bloggers

Link Building in Depth – Building Links – Bloggers

There is an important difference between articles posted into syndication libraries and those posted directly to blogs. The links in blogs are likely to be far more valuable than regular syndication articles. The search engines know the article libraries when they see...

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Google Is Having a Bad Day

Google Is Having a Bad Day

Mid-April of this year, Bing reached their all-time high of the Search market share in the U.S. with 20% of the market share. Both, Yahoo and Google experienced a slight decrease with Bing's gains. These results come from recent analysis of the U.S. desktop search...

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Marketing Using the Five Senses

Marketing Using the Five Senses

Here’s a marketing test involving research participants that yielded some very interesting results. Marketing professor Raj Raghunathan and Ph.D. student Szu-Chi performed a study of two chickens and here’s what happened. The Test Participants were given two photos to...

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Why You Should Be Using Call Tracking – Right Now!

Why You Should Be Using Call Tracking – Right Now!

Before you can reap the benefits of call tracking, first you need to understand what it is and how it works. What is Call Tracking Call tracking is a technique used in digital marketing to track which marketing channels generate calls. Call tracking is not unique to...

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Google Changes Presentation of URLS On Mobile Devices

Google Changes Presentation of URLS On Mobile Devices

Google’s changing things up on mobile devices again. This time it’s the way that URLs are displayed on mobile devices. As part of this new launch, Google will make these two changes: The website name will be used instead of the domain name The URL structure will be...

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GFQ Article – When To Know You Need Help

GFQ Article – When To Know You Need Help

There’s a saying:, “Entrepreneurs are the only people who work 80 hour weeks to avoid working 40 hour weeks”  How true is that! When you first start your business it’s only natural that you’ll want to do things yourself for several reasons. You’re in Start-Up Mode and...

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