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Penquin 2.0 Has Landed – Did You Get Affected?

Penquin 2.0 Has Landed – Did You Get Affected?

Recent news on Penquin 2.0 shows that most of the sites that were affected were porn and gaming sites.  A few big brand sites were hit as well, which further proves that no one is immune; sites like,, and REEDs jewelers. The official release...

Penguin 2.0 Is Coming – What Does This Mean For Your Business?

Penguin 2.0 Is Coming – What Does This Mean For Your Business?

With the latest news about Penguin 2.0 coming out soon, many are hypothesizing and trying to plan ahead for their websites. What will this update include?  Is my business safe?   Every website owner should be asking themselves these very important questions.  The best...

Are Meta Descriptions Important?  YES!

Are Meta Descriptions Important? YES!

Meta descriptions have evolved over the years and there has been many debates as to whether or not they are important. I can tell you unequivocally that they are VERY IMPORTANT!   In the past the rules for meta descriptions were to include your keywords (and in some...

Best Practices in Contemporary Web Design

Best Practices in Contemporary Web Design

Some websites look like they're a historical archive or what you would have come across when you first started to surf the 'net back in the 1990s. Those sites made much use of table-based graphics, employing onsite builders to create a look that was usually...

Blog Unleashed: Tips for a Terrific Site

Blog Unleashed: Tips for a Terrific Site

Google Panda and Penguin have unleashed much havoc across the blogosphere, hammering bloggers in a variety of wages. Some of the complaints include a drop in web traffic, disappearing SERPs and a monumental fall in PageRank. You may be doing everything right to update...

Marketing Should Help Your Business, Not Hurt It

Marketing Should Help Your Business, Not Hurt It

It goes without saying that businesses can’t survive and thrive without a marketing strategy. How will people know about your goods or services if you don’t display your business in some way? Unfortunately, far too many businesses market their company in the wrong...

How to Manage Your Growing Small Business Communication Needs

How to Manage Your Growing Small Business Communication Needs

Your small business has left the confines of your garage or spare bedroom and has since branched out to its own physical location. You may not have hit the big time yet, but you certainly have proven that you have what it takes to manage a larger and more profitable...

Local Promotion Guide

Local Promotion Guide

In this day and age, having an online presence can be the best thing you do for your business. People search for what they need through search engines, typing in certain keywords to help them find businesses or services in their area. This is where local SEO...

Get The Most Out Of Your Online Shop Using Shopial

Get The Most Out Of Your Online Shop Using Shopial

Do you have a shiny new online shop, with a service like Shopify or Etsy, but aren’t making your sales goals? Promoting your items on Facebook is one idea, but what if your store actually existed on Facebook? We’ve discovered a new tool called Shopial that will allow...

Get in tune with your prospects using Answer The Public

Get in tune with your prospects using Answer The Public

Knowing what questions your prospects are asking about your niche can help you produce better content, and help you rank better in search engines. For a while now one way to do this was to type in a keyword, and take note of what would come up in Google suggestions. A...

How to Research your Competitors with iSpionage

How to Research your Competitors with iSpionage

If you’re thinking about starting a Pay Per Click campaign, or you’re looking to improve your organic ranking in search engines, the place to start is competitor research. Looking at the keywords your competitors put money into, or rank for, can help you be much more...

Get More Engagement From Your Social Media Photo Shares Using Canva

Get More Engagement From Your Social Media Photo Shares Using Canva

By and large, image posts perform best on nearly every social media network. The need to be able to quickly design an image to help reach your audience is more necessary than ever. If you don’t have a team handling your social media marketing, you can make more than...

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Best Practices in Contemporary Web Design

Best Practices in Contemporary Web Design

Some websites look like they're a historical archive or what you would have come across when you first started to surf the 'net back in the 1990s. Those sites made much use of table-based graphics, employing onsite builders to create a look that was usually...

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Blog Unleashed: Tips for a Terrific Site

Blog Unleashed: Tips for a Terrific Site

Google Panda and Penguin have unleashed much havoc across the blogosphere, hammering bloggers in a variety of wages. Some of the complaints include a drop in web traffic, disappearing SERPs and a monumental fall in PageRank. You may be doing everything right to update...

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Marketing Should Help Your Business, Not Hurt It

Marketing Should Help Your Business, Not Hurt It

It goes without saying that businesses can’t survive and thrive without a marketing strategy. How will people know about your goods or services if you don’t display your business in some way? Unfortunately, far too many businesses market their company in the wrong...

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